Service – Quality – Precision
Mitech has a long experience with paper impregnation technology We become a celebrated supplierof paper impregnation machinery and paper impregnation additives.
Ourservice includes the supply of quality paper impregnation rollers. This service is offered because of the regional demand for affordable, fast and high-quality service.
Mitech is aware of the long waiting term for gravure rollers and refurbishment. Plus the shipping cost and the transit time and return.So our focus is on short delivery times.
For new gravure rollers the advantages are:
- Every roller has brand-new shafts.
- No time, risk or cost, for packing and sending worn rollers back to the supplier.
- Ceramic coated rollers are available.
- Short delivery time, typically4 week
- Choice of hard coatings.
Metering Rollers

Gravure Rollers